Reincarnation in Christianity Jesus taught reincarnation (as a renewed chance, not as a goal)

There is now a donation account. I report regularly on the current status of donations under “COMMUNITY”. Donor (only with initials) and amount are named so that everyone can find each other and there is a certain control and overview. My bank details: Volksbank Main-Tauber eG Rechte Tauberstraße 1 D-97877...


Heaven – Where Do We Come From? – How Did We Develop?

There is now a donation account. I report regularly on the current status of donations under “COMMUNITY”. Donor (only with initials) and amount are named so that everyone can find each other and there is a certain control and overview. My bank details: Volksbank Main-Tauber eG Rechte Tauberstraße 1 D-97877...


Jesus and the Animals

At the time of Jesus of Nazareth, Jews who, for example, did not want to celebrate the ritual eating of a lamb at Passover were threatened with the death penalty. Ultimately, according to the apocryphal writings, Jesus' very refusal to eat a lamb at Passover became his death sentence. It...


A Little Girl and A Big Elephant Pooja and Shanti

The girl is called Pooja, and she was 6 years old when her father recorded this video. She is buying tomatoes for her friend Shanti. She does that every day when she is in India. But who is her friend Shanti? Shanti is an elephant, a temple elephant to be...


The Falsified Bible 2.0 – Who inspired the Bible

The Bible – the true Word of God or the Mixed Work of the Caste of Priests


The Commandement “You Shall not Kill” And World Religions

A large part of mankind still feels that it more or less belongs to a religious orientation, most people, to one of the five major world religions: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity or Judaism. Many members of religions trust their respective religious leaders. They believe their priests. Consciously or unconsciously, traditions...
