
The Soil We Live On (Bee Deaths)

When we walk through the woods or over a field, we are hardly aware of what an incredible miracle of creation is found directly under our feet. A billionfold life is hidden in the soil – most of it invisible to our eyes. Under the surface area of a foot, exist more living beings than there are humans on the whole Earth. Thus, modern agricultural industry, if they want to harvest a crop on biologically more or less dead soil, is completely dependent on chemical fertilizers and also on the insect- and plant-obliteration poisons, because by spraying the poisons, the natural enemies of the pests are also eradicated and thus, any natural protection no longer exists. But what consequences for the environment does this have, this cultivation method that is propagated and promoted by farmers’ associations, chemical companies and not least, also by the state? One should know that if you destroy with herbicides the weeds with their flowers, you automatically destroy the insects that live on the nectar of the flowers. The farmer Jens Petermann is certain that: “Encroachments upon the system of nature can definitely have the result that, triggered by this wrongdoing, diseases and inhospitable conditions for life will come to the people. We should be aware that without us the Earth became a blue-green planet and it could also be one again without us.” There are scientists who think the wheel can no longer be turned back, that, in the end, nobody wants to voluntarily give up growth and profit. Yet that is a mistake. If humankind does not voluntarily turn back the wheel, sooner or later nature will do it. And that could be very radical. The future will tell …

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